24 de set. de 2013

Palestra SETRI sobre a Legionella em Sintra Portugal - GRUNDFOS

Palestra SETRI sobre Legionella em Portugal

Nos dias 23 e 24 de setembro a SETRI participou de um grande evento em Cintra, Portugal onde o tema foi a bactéria LEGIONELLA.
No evento patrocinado pela GRUNDFOS, contou com a presença de vários profissionais do Governo, Hotelaria, Hospitais, etc..., que trabalham diretamente com a bactéria Legionella.
As apresentações foram desde a legislação em Portugal até métodos usados para minimizar os efeitos da Legionella.
A maior diferença entre Portugal e o Brasil é que em Portugal a Doença do Legionário é uma doença notificável e já existem normas e leis sobre o tema.
A troca de informações foi excelente e o público participante teve uma excelente impressão do trabalho da SETRI sobre a Legionella, principalmente o uso do Plano de Segurança da Água que a SETRI desenvolveu para Edificações e Indústrias, que inclui os problemas da água para ingestão, inalação e contato.

20 de set. de 2013

Another Case of Legionella Longbeachae in Tayside

A fifth case of Legionella Longbeachae has been identified by the NHS Tayside, which is linked to gardening compost. According to the NHS, the case is making steady progress.
Two patients have been discharged after treatment and the other two are being treated in intensive care after falling ill with Legionella Longbeachae in Lothians last week.

19 de set. de 2013



Fifth person diagnosed with Legionella linked to gardening compost - Legionella Longbeachae

A fifth person has been diagnosed with Legionella longbeachae linked to gardening compost.
On Friday, NHS Lothian announced four people within the Lothians had been diagnosed with the disease. Two are still being treated in intensive care and the other two have been discharged.
On Wednesday, Health Protection Scotland's (HPS) said a further case had been confirmed in the NHS Tayside area and they are being treated at Ninewells Hospital.
Legionella longbeachae is a rare strain of the disease and not contagious but is contracted from commercial growing material and other composted material like bark and sawdust. Patients have flu-like symptoms which can progress to pneumonia.
The Lothian outbreak is thought to have come from gardening compost and an investigation is under way to find out the source of the bacteria. In the meantime, gardeners are being warned to take precautions when working with composted materials.
Dr. Martin Donaghy, Medical Director from HPS said: "Following the identification of five cases of an unusual form of legionnaires’ disease in Lothian and Tayside, Health Protection Scotland is co-ordinating an incident management team to investigate this issue.
"It is believed that the four cases from NHS Lothian and the one case from NHS Tayside have arisen from the Legionella longbeachae strain found in compost and potting materials. This is an uncommon but recognised international phenomenon.
"While the risk of becoming unwell from gardening activities (such as working with compost) remains very low, we would recommend good hygiene in relation to gardening – wearing gloves, wearing a mask if dusty, particularly indoors, and washing hands immediately after use.
"We also advise that people should open any compost or potting mix bags carefully in a well ventilated area and if possible using a safety blade. Keep the door open in greenhouses or sheds when potting-up plants or filling hanging baskets. Finally, if you are going to smoke while gardening, please wash your hands before doing so."
On Wednesday, a meeting was held between HPS, NHS Lothian and the City of Edinburgh Council as the investigation continues.

SETRI no Congresso Combating Legionella & Water Treatment 2013


18 de set. de 2013

PVT análise da Legionella - FEBRAVA 2013

O processo analítico Phigenics Validation Test (PVT) recebeu o selo ABRAVA destaque inovação na FEBRAVA 2013.

17 de set. de 2013

Combating Legionella & Water Treatment 2013

A SETRI está participando deste importante evento em Birmingham UK, onde estão sendo discutidos os últimos temas da regulamentação da Legionella, inovações, pesquisas e sem dúvida o processo de avaliação de risco, já utilizado pela SETRI na América Latina.
Vamos defender sempre o Plano de Segurança da Água (Water Safety Plan) como uma das maiores ferramentas para minimizar o risco da Legionella.

16 de set. de 2013

Bid to find source of Lothians legionella outbreak - LEGIONELLA LONGBEACHAE

FRANTIC efforts are today ongoing to unravel the mystery of a rare legionella bug that has left four Lothian gardeners critically ill in intensive care.

Experts from across the globe are being consulted in a bid to understand how legionella longbeachae, which is found in compost, has come to strike in the region so suddenly.
In the last five years, fewer than ten cases of legionella longbeachae have been discovered in Scotland, yet it has hit four people in the Lothians in a short space of time.
The victims, aged between 62 and 84, are based in Edinburgh city, West Lothian and Midlothian and no link, other than them all being gardeners, has yet been established.
Two have been discharged from hospital but the others remain seriously unwell and are in intensive care at the Capital’s Royal Infirmary.
Experts are investigating whether soil contaminated with the bug, which is common in Australia, came from a single location originally.
Professor Alison McCallum, NHS Lothian’s director of public health and public 
policy, admitted that experts had not yet been able to establish a source. “We really can’t say whether these cases are directly linked as we haven’t yet completed our investigation,” she said. “They are linked to gardening, that’s what these people have in common.”
Gardeners are being 
advised not to give up their hobby, but to protect themselves against the strain, which can be fatal.
The fact that it is found in compost is particularly dangerous as gardening is traditionally popular with older people who are more likely to have other health conditions, making them particularly vulnerable to legionella.
It cannot be passed from person to person, but is inhaled by breathing in tiny dust particles or very small drops of water. While the outbreak is not linked in any way to the Edinburgh legionnaires disease crisis last year, many of the same techniques are being used in lines of inquiry.
All of the gardeners had purchased different products containing compost prior to becoming unwell and samples of compost have been sent to laboratories for testing.
NHS Lothian offered assurances that the risk to the wider public is low.
Prof McCallum added: “Because this is so rare we are working with experts in this particular area to try to get to the bottom of it and we would seek advice from our colleagues internationally.
“Our basic advice is not to give up gardening but be alert and be safe.”
The four cases have all been reported over the last two months.

15 de set. de 2013

Bactéria vira ameaça à Oktoberfest alemã - Legionella

A duas semanas do início da festa da cerveja, a maior fabricante da bebida na Alemanha, a Warsteiner, vive a suspeita de ser a origem de surto de infecção causado pela bactéria Legionella, encontrada na água que sobra de sua produção, na cidade de Warstein. A empresa nega que tenha sido o foco.

Fonte : Folha de São Paulo B10 mercado 15/09/2013

Lo spettro della legionella terrorizza l'Oktoberfest

Tracce del batterio nella fabbrica della Warsteiner, la più nota birra tedesca. A pochi giorni dalla festa-simbolo che attira turisti da ogni parte del mondo
La legionella, un batterio potenzialmente letale, è stato trovato nelle acque reflue della fabbrica di Warstein. Tanto che i turisti che si preparavano a visitare il birrificio - uno dei più grandi tra quelli a conduzione familiare del Paese, dove ogni ora vengono tappate 5mila bottiglie, pronte ad essere poi stappate per dissetarci nelle nostre serate - sono stati invitati a starne alla larga.
Si teme il contagio, e in molti pensano che sia proprio il batterio della legionella ad aver fatto esplodere l'epidemia che a Warstein ha già fatto ammalare 165 persone e causato la morte di altre due, come riportava ieri il Financial Times.

7 de set. de 2013


Este livro é para crianças e para você que quer ser criança de novo, boa leitura.


3 de set. de 2013

"Combating Legionella UK" - SETRI

A SETRI sempre na vanguarda sobre o tema Legionella, não poderia estar ausente neste importante evento técnico.

2 de set. de 2013


SETRI vai realizar uma palestra sobre Plano de Segurança da Água, dia 5/09.

"IV Encontro de Profissionais da Garantia da Qualidade - Estamos Agindo na Causa Raiz?" "Projeto Sanitário de Equipamentos"

“IV Encontro de Profissionais da Garantia da Qualidade – Estamos agindo na causa raiz?”
04 e 05 de setembro de 2013 – Auditório do ITAL - Campinas – SP

SETRI Palestra em Portugal sobre LEGIONELLA no Brasil

A SETRI foi convidada a participar do evento "Programa Controlo e Vigilância da Legionella" em Portugal, evento este patrocinado pela empresa GRUNDFOS Portugal. Nossa apresentação será dia 23/09 em SINTRA.