13 de abr. de 2011

GoodGuide Delivered To Your Phone

Find safe, healthy, green products while you shop. Anytime. Anywhere. For free!
GoodGuide mobile makes it fast and easy to find safe, healthy, and green products, instantly delivering the information you need, when you need it most—in a store and on the go. Get instant access to over 100,000 products and ratings at your fingertips. Check a product, see top-rated products in a category, and access your personalized recommended list to quickly find safe & healthy products. You can access GoodGuide mobile via our iPhone or Android applications, or via our new Mobile Web Site.

Simply download GoodGuide’s mobile app from Apple’s iTunes App Store or the Android Marketplace, or use your mobile web browser to access m.goodguide.com. Start shopping smarter today!


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